Saturday, November 15, 2008

You barked up the right tree

OK, let me just get one thing straight, here. This dog is NOT, I repeat, NOT gray. That's just how the light reflected. Anyhow, this is the family dog, Lucy. She just wants to be loved. I always take her out for a little outing around the block. It's one of my daily chores. See, all you lords & ladies out there web surfing are probably thinking, "Wait I thought she was an adult,". Well, guess what, I'm not. And so, I close in saying, keep looking for new stuff. Unless your blind, you can always see it.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog!!

Anonymous said...

Everything you do is way cool, so of course your blog is too!!!

Doug Slack said...

Hey! It's the publisher again! I just want to thank #2. If I can figure out how, I'm gonna publish VIDIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

Unknown said...

Ok,your AWSOME! You have #, Ok, why did I put #?
Never mind.
See you!